Business Idea: Energy-Producing Gymnastics Equipment

Business Idea: Energy-Producing Gymnastics Equipment

We talked about how new projects managed to recover human body heat to heat a building or the energy from footfalls to produce electricity. Following this idea, the logical step is to consider something similar in gyms with devices that can produce energy.

Indeed, the main interest of going to a gym is “burning” energy, especially on stationary bikes, by rowing, running on treadmills or exerting yourself on elliptical machines and step machines. If we think about how the lights of the bicycles are powered, it is clear that an alternator could easily be placed to collect energy in all the devices in which the action of the athlete generates a circular movement (bicycles, rowing, elliptical). In the case of treadmills, it seems more difficult to recover some of the energy, but precisely the technology of the tread that we talked about before perhaps can be adapted.

Surfing the internet, it turns out that at least two gyms in the world (one in Hong Kong, another in Seattle) have applied this principle, albeit in an artisanal way. The fitness machines themselves usually consume a lot of light, and if a manufacturer arises that uses this idea to reduce its consumption, and even the consumption of the premises, it would be a very positive measure both for savings and from an environmental point of view.

Before launching your idea, put it to the test with a good business plan

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